Thursday, June 14, 2012

Growing Up Ziglar {Book Review}

If ever I recommend a book to women and young girls I know, it would be this one.  Men and boys could also read this and glean too!  But predominantly other women and girls came into my head after reading this.

 Incredible is one word to describe how I felt God worked in Julie’s life. The more I read on about her life as a Ziglar the more I pondered what lay hiding within the dark depths of my own life. What sins was I trying to hush away ashamed to voice?  What bondage am I in as a result?  I felt moved and am moved to desire freedom in Christ like she experienced.

Beautiful was God’s grace towards her in turning shame into His Glory. Through the book, I feel that in my own life I have some digging to do, and some realities that I need to face.  I was challenged to examine and probe into my life and see the reality and root of my attitudes and decisions I made.

The openness and transparency with which Julie authored this “auto biography” was able to touch the heart strings of my own heart and life. She is very relatable. I felt drawn in because in essence she was able to help because of troubles and walks of life she has been through (I Cor 1:4). 

If you cannot imagine God working through you dynamically because you feel cancelled out--this is a book to read.  If you feel like you have done too much or have gone too far, there is Hope.  Julie's life is just a mere one example of what surrendering and giving up your life to God can do.  He redeems to the utmost, and through this book I've realized no one is ever to far from His love, His grace, and His Redemption for anyone's life.  Even through our weaknesses and mistakes, He can work all things together for God and for His glory!

Sneak Peek!
Here is a tid bit of writing that really made me realize that what I happened upon was a book that I knew I would not be able to put down until it was read through.
For over a quarter of a century I lived every day with regret, shame, guilt, grief, pain, and a deep, underlying depression. I was exhausted from hurting and tired of running from the memory and magnitude of what I’d done and the life I’d been living….

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for the purpose of writing this review.  I have read this book and assure you that it is my honest opinion.  

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