Monday, March 19, 2012

Make the Pool Your Gym: Review and Giveaway

About:  This book is written by Dr. Karl Knopf--a very reputable man whose expertise lies in health and fitness.  He has been a health and fitness professional for over 30 years!  His specialty is working with the health and fitness of adults who are disabled and over the age of 35.  He has written several books and according to the author notes--has been an advisor to the PBS exercise series Sit and Be Fit.
My Review:

When it comes to educating and helping us understand how water exercises help our bodies, this book is short, simple and sweet.  It is clear and a very easy read.  Though I have yet to jump into a pool--I can really see how beneficial this book really is.
 I really am liking how it contains Work-Out Plans that are target specific, to help strengthen areas in our bodies that are weak.  The book divides out different types of exercises one can do.  For instance General Fitness, Low Back Pain, Ankles and Feet, Arthritis--are among the few sample workouts they have in this book.

For me I have had a hard time with my lower back and ankles and am very glad to find different water exercises to help strengthen these areas of my body. I cannot wait till the weather gets nice and warm enough to take my family out to the pool to try out some of these exercises!  I have been itching to also try the YMCA maybe it will happen soon enough!

Here is an example of what it looks like in the book:

 Easy to understand Step-by-Step Instructions with Illustration:
I am a visual learner, and love that this book incorporates pictures for their different exercises. 

Lately, my Grandpa has been loosing muscle mass due to old age and not moving about as often as he used to.  Whenever we do visit him, I am always thinking about ways for him to be able to move about and I think that a pool is something we might need to take him out to.  I know that he gets a lot of encouragements to walk around and keep moving--but I know that there is a great deal of pain when he tries to move about.  Water is a great option for him.  I hope to talk with his doctors to see if water exercises would be beneficial for him.

Here are five benefits of Water Fitness that I really like taken from the book:
  • Decreased Pain
  • Decreased Impact on Joints
  • Improved Muscular Strength and Endurance
  • Increased Functional Flexibility
  • And it is a Kinder Gentler Way to Fitness!
Overall I believe if you are looking for a way to rehabilitate your body and work on strengthening your body without stressing pressure points--this book is ideal for you to read. 

Buy it: You may find this book on amazon: Make the Pool Your Gym
Win it: Enter to win using the Rafflecopter Form Below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review.  I have not been compensated in any other way to write this book.  All opinions are my own.  Sponsor has agreed to give away one book for the giveaway.


  1. As I get older (I'm now 57) I have found that my metabolism has changed and that additional pounds stay with me more easily than they used to. A low impact exercise method is just what I need.

    1. Water workouts would be perfect then! :) THanks for entering!

  2. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis and a knee that needs replacing. I also have a pool that is underused by me. I think this book would be very beneficial.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

    1. thanks for entering :) Dr. Knopf specializes in helping people rehabilitate. :)

  3. I have nerve damage in my lower back from back surgery. I have a pool and would love to know things I can do in the pool to help. Looks like a great book.
    landfjacobson @

  4. This book would help me by giving me new ideas on working out in the pool!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  5. I love low impact exercises, especially as I am getting older
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  6. I have a pool and I need to work out!

  7. I love to swim. I have a lot of back problems and swimming is a great way to exercise without putting too much stress on it!

  8. I have several medical problems, including Rheumatoid Arthritis so this would be great for me! (Corey Olomon)(

  9. I can keep cool during the summer while exercising! :D

  10. I have arthritis and exercising in the pool would be perfect.
    jboyanto at swbell dot net
